Nandamuri Balakrishna and Bobby’s film Daaku Maharaaj has earned a solid performance in the overseas market, collecting a gross of $2.09 million (₹18.05 crores) over the course of fifteen days. While the film faced challenges post its opening, particularly struggling to pick up momentum after the first Monday, the initial premieres and strong opening day numbers helped make it a profitable venture for overseas distributors.
Despite not experiencing a significant boost in collections in the days following the initial success, Daaku Maharaaj has managed to sustain its position in the overseas box office, showcasing the importance of strong first-day performances. The film’s overall journey demonstrates the unpredictability of the international market but also highlights the value of a strong start in ensuring profitability.
Below is the detailed country-wise breakdown for the first fifteen days:
- Total Fifteen Days Gross: $2.09 Million (₹18.05 Crores)