In a major development, Tollywood director Ram Gopal Varma (RGV) has been sentenced to three months in prison by the Andheri Magistrate’s Court in Mumbai. The case dates back to 2018, when Mahesh Chandra Mishra filed a complaint against the director. Despite multiple court notices, RGV failed to attend hearings, leading the court to issue a non-bailable warrant for his arrest.
The court’s recent ruling requires RGV to pay compensation of ₹3.72 lakh to the complainant. Failure to make this payment on time will result in the three-month prison sentence.
A History of Controversies
RGV, known for his sensational approach to filmmaking, has often found himself at the center of media attention due to his controversial statements and social media posts. Despite the ups and downs of his career, RGV remains a pivotal figure in Indian cinema, especially known for his work on films like Satya.
In a recent post on social media, RGV expressed regret over his past behavior and films, admitting to losing the audience’s trust. He also announced his upcoming movie Syndicate, which has generated a lot of buzz, particularly regarding its cast and storyline.
This legal setback adds to the ongoing attention surrounding the director, who is known for both his cinematic contributions and his provocative persona.