Viva Harsha, known for her comedic talent and sense of humor, recently shared an emotional video that has left her fans deeply moved. In the video, Harsha revealed that her 91-year-old uncle, who is suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, has gone missing. He was last seen in the Kancharapalem area of Vizag, and Harsha, visibly distressed, urgently appealed for public help to locate him.
Harsha explained that her uncle is very lethargic due to Alzheimer’s, making it crucial to find him as soon as possible. He has been missing for four days, and there has been no information about his whereabouts since he left home. Harsha reached out to her friends, family, and students in Vizag to assist in the search, expressing the deep emotional pain his family is experiencing.
Through this heartfelt appeal, Harsha is leveraging her social media presence to rally support from the public. She also reminded everyone that despite being a celebrity, personal struggles like this affect everyone, reinforcing an important message about the value of humanity. Fans have been encouraged to use the hashtag #FindVivaHarshaUncle to help spread the word.
Harsha’s efforts to find her uncle reflect the strength of human compassion, and this incident serves as a reminder of the importance of supporting one another during difficult times. Let’s all come together to help Harsha and her family in their search.