Chief Minister Ramesh, originally from Rayalaseema, has risen to prominence in the North Andhra region, particularly in Anakapalle, where he won as an MP. He has now become a key leader in the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), with his name frequently being associated with the party’s leadership in the region.
During Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Visakhapatnam, CM Ramesh’s influence was clearly evident. His role in welcoming Modi and delivering a speech at the public gathering stood out. Despite several BJP leaders being present, Ramesh’s opportunity to speak highlighted his strong rapport with the party’s central leadership, signaling his importance within the organization.
Although Ramesh did not secure a central ministerial position due to social considerations, many believe that he would have attained such a role otherwise. Nonetheless, the BJP leadership recognized his capabilities, assigning him significant positions such as the Chairman of the Railway Standing Committee. Additionally, he earned a place in the prestigious Joint Parliamentary Committee for the Jami elections, further solidifying his stature within the party.
CM Ramesh’s strong ties with BJP leaders are evident through these assignments, and many predict that he will likely become a central minister in this term. His presence in BJP flex boards alongside Modi in Visakhapatnam reflects his growing influence and close ties with the party leadership, showcasing the extent of his support within the saffron party.