RC16: Recently, some misconceptions on social media have gone viral about Ram Charan’s latest film. In the news, the music director of the film has changed. But the truth in this is the tribe. However, it is clear that the news is completely untrue. The film is a leading music director AR. Rahman is the only music.
Ram Charan’s fans are the cause of many rumors. They are not only thinking that Devishri Prasad will compose music for the filmL Hulchal did in the media. Many thought the same truth. But, the truth is AR. Rahmane is composing music for the film.
According to official information, AR for the film. Rahman has already provided some songs. There is no doubt that his music will increase the film range. Rahman’s music is an additional attraction for the film. The subject of Ram Charan’s latest film has now become a mystery among fans. The film is currently shooting.
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