Bollywood’s much-awaited historical drama Chhaava, starring Vicky Kaushal as the legendary Marathi king Sambhaji Maharaj, is already the talk of the town. The film, directed by Laxman Utekar, also features Rashmika Mandanna as the female lead. Based on the life of Sambhaji, son of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, the movie has generated immense hype thanks to its grandeur and emotionally charged storyline. The recently released theatrical trailer has taken expectations to new heights, making it one of the most anticipated releases of the year.
Vicky Kaushal’s powerful portrayal of Sambhaji Maharaj, coupled with the film’s epic scale, has been widely appreciated. However, a dance sequence featuring Vicky in the trailer drew criticism from netizens. Many viewers found the Lezim dance out of sync with the film’s depiction of the greatness of Marathi rulers. Fans felt the sequence undermined the historical gravitas of the story. Responding to the feedback, the makers decided to remove the controversial scene, ensuring the film stays true to its historical essence.
Director Laxman Utekar, known for his light-hearted entertainers, has taken on a new challenge with this historical epic. He expressed confidence in the movie’s authenticity and grandeur, noting that the feedback from fans only strengthens their commitment to honoring Sambhaji Maharaj’s legacy. A special premiere is scheduled for January 29, where audiences will get a first look at this masterpiece.
With a strong buzz and meaningful changes, Chhaava is poised to dominate the box office upon release.