Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu addressed media representatives at the Telugu Desam Party’s central office in Mangalagiri, where he made some striking remarks about the film industry. Highlighting Hyderabad’s status as a thriving hub for cinema, he attributed its growth to the initiatives and opportunities provided by the Telugu Desam government during the erstwhile united Andhra Pradesh.
Naidu emphasized that the overseas market for Telugu films has expanded significantly, showcasing the industry’s global appeal. He pointed out, however, that the development of Amaravati as the state’s capital could revolutionize the film industry further. “If Amaravati’s construction is completed, Andhra Pradesh could become a major hub for film production. There will be a robust market for movies originating from Amaravati,” Naidu stated confidently.
These comments come amid his broader vision of positioning Amaravati as a cultural and economic powerhouse. Naidu’s remarks also carried a subtle reminder of his leadership during 1995, promising bold decisions to shape the state’s future.
The statement has sparked discussions within the industry and political circles, with many curious to see if Amaravati could emerge as a new destination for filmmaking in the years to come.