Kollywood has been buzzing with excitement over the rumored collaboration between Suriya and acclaimed Malayalam actor Mammootty. Although neither party has confirmed the rumors, speculation suggests that Mammootty may produce Suriya’s upcoming superhero film under his production house, Mammootty Kampany. This adds an intriguing layer to the anticipation surrounding the project, as both stars have huge fan bases across South India.
This film marks Suriya’s 44th project and will be directed by the celebrated Tamil filmmaker Karthik Subbaraj. In addition to Suriya, the film will feature actress Pooja Hegde in a leading role. Slated for release on May 1, 2025, the movie, titled Retro, is expected to bring an exciting blend of action and superhero elements to the screen, further adding to the buzz.
An official announcement regarding the production details and cast is awaited, and fans are eagerly anticipating more news about this exciting collaboration.