Balakrishna: The film crew, which was released on Sankranti and blockbuster, recently held a triumphant celebration in Anantapur. At the event, Nandamuri Balakrishna once again showed his specialty. He sang on this stage by the song “Ganana Gana Gana Andhra Telangana”. Fans were excited about the song of Balaya. The video has now gone viral on social media.
The film “Daku Maharaj” was released during the Sankranti, Balakrishna’s career. Released worldwide on January 12, the film has made a sensational grossing audience. The film, which came as a sankranti gift, highlighted Balakrishna. The film crew on the occasion, Wednesday evening AnantapurIn The triumphal ceremony was held in grandeur and thanked the audience.
In this ceremony, Balakrishna fans of the song “Gana Gana Gana Andhra Telangana” in the presence of fans. The song has made an unforgettable feel for Balaya fans, but their affection has increased. These types of events are more strong in the hearts of Balakrishna. With this victory, “Daku Maharaj” is a crucial milestone in Balakrishna’s career.
With the success of the film, the film crew, director, and actors congratulated each other and shared their journey. The film “Daku Maharaj” has become a wonderful gift for the audience as a wallpaper. The songs, acting, and the story entertained the audience.