The sequel to the massive hit Akhanda, featuring Nandamuri Balakrishna, is well on its way to create another storm at the box office. Directed by Boyapati Srinu, Akhanda 2 continues the story from the original, and the buzz around the film is steadily growing. After grand pooja ceremonies, significant progress has been made, with major action sequences already shot in a specially constructed set at Ramoji Film City. The introduction fight scene featuring Balakrishna was shot by fight masters Ram and Laxman over a span of 12 days, aiming to deliver high-octane entertainment for Nandamuri fans.
The new schedule of Akhanda 2 has officially begun, with the team currently filming a talkie song. Balakrishna, who is also hosting the fourth season of Unstoppable with NBK, is juggling between the Akhanda 2 and Unstoppable sets, reportedly using a shuttle service to balance both commitments.
Pragya Jaiswal reprises her role as the heroine, while the talented Taman is scoring the music for the sequel. The film is produced by Ram Achanta and Gopi Achanta, with Balakrishna’s daughter Nandamuri Tejaswini presenting the movie. While a specific release date is not yet confirmed, there are high hopes for a Dussehra release, adding to the excitement surrounding this much-awaited sequel.