A tragic incident occurred during the shooting of the highly anticipated thriller Hit 3 in Jammu and Kashmir, as assistant cinematographer K.R. Krishna (30) passed away due to a heart attack. The talented young woman, who was working under cinematographer Sanu John Varughese for the film, had been receiving treatment for a chest infection since December 23. Despite initially showing signs of recovery, Krishna tragically succumbed to a heart attack on Monday, just as she was set to be transferred to a general ward.
The crew of Hit 3 had traveled to Kashmir for the film’s shoot, and Krishna’s sudden illness had taken a toll on everyone involved. She was admitted to a government hospital in Srinagar, where she was being treated for her chest infection. Her family had been informed that she was recovering, but the unexpected heart attack left the team and the industry in deep mourning.
Krishna’s untimely death has cast a shadow over the production of Hit 3, which has been gaining attention as the next installment in the successful Hit franchise. The film, starring Tollywood’s natural star Nani and directed by Shailesh Kolanu, has been in full swing with shoots taking place in the picturesque locales of Kashmir.
The loss of Krishna has left a void not only within the Hit 3 team but also within the broader film industry. Industry leaders and colleagues have expressed their condolences, and her body will be cremated in her hometown of Perumbavoor, Kerala.