Maharashtra cricketer Ankeet Bawne has been handed a one-match suspension by the BCCI for disputing an umpire’s decision during a Ranji Trophy match last year. As a result, he missed the ongoing Ranji Trophy fixture against Baroda, held at the Golf Club Ground in Nashik.
The incident occurred in November 2024 at the MCA ground when Bawne contested being caught in the slips by Services player Shubham Rohilla off Amit Shukla’s delivery. Without DRS availability, Bawne remained on the field for nearly 15 minutes, refusing to leave. The game resumed only after intervention by match referee Amit Sharma and Maharashtra coach Sulakshan Kulkarni.
The Maharashtra Cricket Association (MCA) officially confirmed Bawne’s suspension through a statement: “Our Ranji Trophy player, Ankeet Bawne, is serving a one-match ban imposed by the BCCI. While he is unavailable for the ongoing match against Baroda, we are pleased to confirm that he will return for the next game to contribute to the team’s success.”
Despite the setback, the MCA reiterated its commitment to discipline and sportsmanship. Maharashtra’s team remains focused on performing well in the ongoing Ranji Trophy season. Interestingly, Maharashtra skipper Ruturaj Gaikwad, currently on an India A tour in Australia, shared images of the dismissal on social media, suggesting the decision against Bawne was incorrect.
Bawne’s suspension highlights the importance of respecting umpiring decisions and maintaining professionalism, even in challenging situations. Fans are eagerly awaiting his return to the squad in the next match.