Veteran Bollywood actor Anil Kapoor marked the one-year anniversary of his action-packed film Fighter on Saturday, reflecting on the journey with immense pride. Taking to Instagram, he shared a heartfelt post filled with stills from the film, reviews, and a poster, expressing his gratitude for the unforgettable experience. The actor wrote, “Looking back with immense pride as Fighter completes 1 year. It’s almost a ritual for me to look at reviews of some films on their anniversaries. This time, I thought I’d share the ritual with everyone…”
The Fighter journey, according to Anil Kapoor, was filled with hard work, dedication, and memorable moments that made it special. He thanked the incredible team behind the film, noting how the love and support from fans contributed to making the film truly magical. Fighter, which is the first installment in an aerial action franchise, features Kapoor alongside Hrithik Roshan and Deepika Padukone, with Karan Singh Grover, Akshay Oberoi, and Rishabh Sawhney in supporting roles. The film is directed by Siddharth Anand, who also co-wrote the story with Ramon Chibb.
The movie, produced under Anand’s debut production venture, tells a fictionalized account of military events between India and Pakistan in 2019. The real-life involvement of Indian Air Force personnel lent authenticity to the film’s aerial combat sequences. Fighter marked Anand’s third collaboration with Hrithik Roshan, following their successes in Bang Bang! and War, and it is part of a planned action franchise, taking Bollywood’s action genre to new heights.
In addition to celebrating Fighter’s success, Anil Kapoor also wished his longtime collaborator, filmmaker Subhash Ghai, a happy 80th birthday on January 24. Kapoor shared a heartfelt message on Instagram, praising Ghai for his wisdom and creativity, which continue to inspire others in the industry. Anil’s tribute to both his film and Ghai reflects his dedication to his craft and appreciation for the people who have shaped his career. With Fighter marking its anniversary, Anil Kapoor is not only celebrating a film milestone but also looking forward to continuing his legacy in the entertainment world.