Reliance Dhirubhai Ambani Group is taking significant steps towards establishing an Ultra Mega Power Project near Krishnapatnam Port, with the visit of CMD Anil Ambani sparking renewed attention. In 2008, the government allotted 2,565 acres of land to Reliance Power, but the project faced delays, and no industry was established by 2019. At that time, the YCP government decided to reclaim the land, with notices being pasted by the Muthukur Tehsildar. However, after negotiations between the company and the government, the land was returned to the company.

Now, with Anil Ambani inspecting the land, it is clear that plans are in motion to establish a major industrial project. Reports suggest that a solar panel manufacturing unit will be set up at the site, with a target to complete construction by 2026. This project is expected to generate thousands of job and employment opportunities.