Anantha Sriram: In recent times many movies are coming out based on Ramayana and Mahabharata epics. But in these movies, they are acting by changing the history and distorting the characters to make their characters mature. If we show the history in a different way showing the good and the bad and the good, there is a possibility to believe that it is the true history in the future. So it would be better if the roles were done in the same way as Ramayana and Maha Bharata were in history, said Anantha Sriram, the writer of film songs. But he made these comments while attending a public meeting called Hyndava Sankharavam at Kesarapalli in Vijayawada.

Anantha Sriram got angry over the movie Kalki.

Anantha Sriram got angry over the movie Kalki.

He said that many industries are making films to insult Hindu dharma and are working only for the sake of earning. Moreover, in many movies, Gurujis and Swamijis are portrayed as similiar characters. In the recent movie Kalki, Mahabharata was completely changed and Karna was shown to be great. And if Draupadi wears a sari and insults her in a full assembly but why is Karna silent, will Hindu Dharma accept that Karna is from Sun and Arjuna from Agni, Karna is great.Anantha Sriram)

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They were angry that the role of Karna was made great and shown in the movie Kalki. They said that I am ashamed to see the film that no one in the film industry is speaking up and it has been shown as an insult to Hindu Dharma. Moreover, he said that I am giving you a ride on behalf of the film industry. He also informed that even though Tirupati temple is being criticized, some leaders and producers are keeping silent.

Anantha Sriram got angry over the movie Kalki.

They said that if films are made that denigrate Hinduism for the sake of earning money, Hindus should boycott them, if we don’t question them, who will question them? He said that all Hindus should unite for this, if such films come, they should be boycotted and a proper lesson will be given to them so that they will not make films that distort history again. Currently, Anantha Sriram’s words are going viral on social media. Many Hindus are supporting this and commenting.Anantha Sriram)