• Sandhya theater stampede incident is very unfortunate
  • It was an accident.. no one is at fault
  • Although everything was going well, an unexpected accident happened
  • My deepest condolences to the family
  • I am very very sad about this. – Allu Arjun.

Allu Arjun made key comments while talking to the media. First it was a very unfortunate accident. All I want to say is this was an accident, no one was at fault. Everyone here from every party, every department, every section involved in this matter has come here with a good idea. Even if the film is made with a positive intention, it is an accident. I want to say again that this was a complete accident. My condolences to the family for the accident. I pray for the speedy recovery of the boy in the hospital. It was a very, very unfortunate thing that happened.

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Because I am very sad that this happened. As a cinematographer, my ambition in life is to entertain people who come to the theatre. It is my wish that all of you who came to the theater should leave with a smile. I am a man who wants to win your hearts. Theater is like a temple for me. If an accident happened in such a temple, who would be more upset than me? I am really sad. My condolences to the family.. I am getting details about Babu’s health condition hour by hour. The good thing is that things will get better now. They said that the boy is moving.. He said that it is a matter of happiness in such terrible things.