Telugu superstar Allu Arjun was granted regular bail on Friday by a local court in connection with the stampede incident during the premiere of his film Pushpa 2: The Rule at Sandhya Theater in Hyderabad on December 4. The tragic incident led to the death of a woman, while her son remains in critical condition, drawing widespread attention to the case.
The additional metropolitan sessions judge, while approving the bail, outlined strict conditions. Allu Arjun is restricted from leaving the country without prior court permission and has been asked to furnish a personal bond of ₹50,000 along with two sureties. The judge emphasized that the actor must present himself at the Chikkadpally police station every Sunday between 10 AM and 1 PM for two months or until the filing of the chargesheet, whichever comes first. The court also directed that he must not hamper the investigation or intimidate witnesses in any manner.
Timeline of Events Leading to Bail
The incident took a serious turn on December 13, when Allu Arjun was arrested from his residence by the Chikkadpally police. Although the high court granted him interim bail on the same day, he had already been transferred to Chanchalguda Jail, where he spent the night. The interim bail came into effect the following day, and he was released. Subsequently, the actor sought regular bail from the criminal court, which was granted after a detailed hearing.
Conditions Imposed by the Court
The court’s conditions aim to ensure smooth progress in the ongoing investigation. The judge explicitly stated that the accused must refrain from interfering in the probe and should not influence witnesses through any means. These measures reflect the seriousness of the case and the court’s commitment to maintaining fairness in the investigation.
The Pushpa 2 premiere stampede incident has become a significant legal and public relations challenge for Allu Arjun. While his regular bail provides temporary relief, the court’s stringent conditions underline the gravity of the case. Fans and observers will closely watch the developments as the investigation proceeds, adding yet another layer of intrigue to this high-profile case.