Allu Aravind Praises Nagachaitanya: Young Tollywood hero Naga Chaitanya’s latest film ‘Tandel’ is creating huge expectations among the audience. A romantic action entertainer directed by Chandu Mondeti, this film has already raised a lot of expectations. Recently the third single song ‘Hailesso Hailessa’ from this movie was released and it got good response from the audience.

Allu Aravind, speaking at the event, said, “Naga Chaitanya gave the best performance of his career in this movie. With this role he really gave a new twist to his performance. Although it is a bold statement to this extent, he is definitely going to impress with this movie.” These comments are increasing the expectations for the film.

Rockstar Devisree Prasad has given the music in this movie where Sai Pallavi is playing the heroine. Produced by Allu Aravind under Bunny Vas Production, the film will be released on February 7.