In a move that mirrors the success of Pushpa 2, Mythri Movie Makers, who also produced the Allu Arjun-starrer, is taking an innovative approach for Ajith’s upcoming film Good Bad Ugly. The makers are planning to screen paid previews on April 9th, a strategy that was previously used for Pushpa 2 and garnered positive word-of-mouth from fans.
Unlike the usual practice for big-ticket entertainers, the team is opting for these special shows to generate excitement ahead of the official release. The paid previews are expected to take place primarily in Tamil Nadu, and the buzz around Good Bad Ugly is building rapidly due to its gangster genre, which promises intense drama and action. Directed by Adhik Ravichandran, the film stars Trisha as the female lead.
Fans are eagerly awaiting these previews, as Good Bad Ugly is expected to carry even more hype than Vidaamuyarchi, due to its gripping genre and Ajith’s star power.