MARCO OTT: Ready for ‘Marco’ movie OTT! Built with a budget of just over Rs 30 crore, the film has created a sensation in theaters and grossed over 100 crores. The action entertainer, directed by Hanif Adeni, entertained the audience. The film, which will be aired soon on Netflix, is likely to entertain OTT audience as well.

Action Thriller Marco to Release on Netflix

Released on December 20, ‘Marco’ is set to enter OT 45 days later. That is, the film can be streamed at Netflix in the end of this month or the first week of February. The production of Ravi Basrur Music and Sharif Mohammed has further strengthened the film.

Although the ‘A’ certificate was received due to the high violent scenes in ‘Marco’, action lovers liked the film. Let’s hope that this film will be a success in OT in theaters.

Let’s hope that the film ‘Marco’, which has created a buzz in the box office, will impress the audience as well in OT. In the wake of the film being aired on Netflix, lovers of action films are looking forward to it.

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