Aamir Khan: Aamir Khan is a very famous hero in Bollywood .. Such a hero is very busy in terms of movies but in his own life with some disturbance .. Aamir Khan has already got two weddings and is ready for a third wedding ..

Aamir Khan Daughter Fires on His 3rd Marraige

It is very common to get married in Bollywood, divorce and get acquainted with one another. There are many news on social media that there is something relationship between Aamir Khan Gauri. However, his daughter Iraqan is not liking to marry Aamir Khan Gauri.Aamir Khan.

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However, Iraqan also came to Aamir Khan’s birthday. Aamir Qa in this timeN. When I said that he had been dating Gauri for 18 months, Iraqan’s face changed. This has led to articles on social media that she has also clashed with his father. It is reported that his father Aamir Khan told her Sardi.

In fact, it is understandable that she does not like her father’s third marriage. In addition, Iraqan has recently shared photos of many tabs in her phone browser. Under it, you have captured what is going on in your mind.Aamir Khan.