Sridevi’s daughters, Janhvi Kapoor and Khushi Kapoor, are continuing her cinematic legacy, with both stepping into the film industry as heroines. Janhvi, who made her debut first, has been more active in the industry, taking on diverse roles. One of her latest projects is Devara, where she stars alongside Jr. NTR in a high-profile Telugu film. Janhvi’s collaboration with Ram Charan has also created a buzz, further cementing her place in both Bollywood and regional cinema.
Khushi Kapoor’s Breakthrough with ‘The Archies’
Khushi, who made her debut later, is following in her mother’s footsteps with her own charm and energy. She was recently seen in The Archies, a 2023 adaptation that earned her recognition. The film is an adaptation of the popular Archie comics and also stars Aamir Khan’s son, Junaid Khan, in the lead role. Aamir Khan not only acted in the film but also produced it, with a release slated for February 7, 2024. The movie explores how modern technology, particularly cell phones, has transformed our lives. Khushi’s performance in the film reminded many of her mother Sridevi’s vibrant energy on screen, showcasing her own dynamic presence.
Khushi Kapoor’s Performance: A Nod to Sridevi
The audience’s comparison of Khushi’s energy to Sridevi’s is a testament to the talent that runs in the Kapoor family. Khushi’s on-screen energy and expressions in The Archies have drawn praise for capturing her mother’s magnetic presence. With Sridevi’s legacy firmly in her hands, Khushi seems poised to make her mark in the film industry.
‘Love Today’: A Successful Remake
Another interesting note is that Love Today, a 2022 Tamil film directed by Pradeep Ranganadhan, has been successfully remade in Telugu. The film’s relatable story and its appeal to both young and mature audiences garnered great success, making it a popular choice for viewers across languages.