Azaad, the upcoming period drama directed by Abhishek Kapoor, is generating excitement as it marks the acting debuts of Aaman Devgn, nephew of Bollywood star Ajay Devgn, and Raveena Tandon’s daughter, Rasha Thadani. The film, slated for release on January 17, tells the heartwarming story of loyalty, courage, and the bond between humans and animals, set in pre-Independence India.
During the trailer launch, Aaman admitted to feeling nervous on the first day of shooting with his legendary uncle, Ajay Devgn. He shared, “I was so nervous on the first day when I shot with him. I was not seeing the character. I was seeing Ajay Devgn.” Despite being part of a film family, Aaman expressed both excitement and nerves, knowing the moment would stay with him forever. Ajay, also present at the event, revealed that he has often pushed Aaman to work harder, even rejecting some of his ideas in the process, aiming to help him improve.
The film also stars Diana Penty, playing the role of Ajay Devgn’s love interest, while Mohit Malik also features prominently in the cast. Produced by Ronnie Screwvala and Pragya Kapoor, Azaad explores themes of love, loyalty, and the complexities of dacoit and zamindari systems in India during the pre-Independence era. The narrative centers around the extraordinary bond between a young man, Govind, and his remarkable horse, as they navigate the challenges of their world.
Azaad’s trailer has already caught attention, and with its release just around the corner, the film promises an emotional and action-packed cinematic experience.