Star cricketer Virat Kohli, along with his wife Anushka Sharma and their children, recently visited the ashram of renowned priest Premanand Maharaj in Vrindavan, Uttar Pradesh. Kohli, who has faced criticism for his recent performances in the Border-Gavaskar Tests against Australia, sought spiritual solace. Despite scoring a century in the opening match, Kohli managed only 190 runs in nine innings during the series, which India lost 1-3. This has led to calls from fans and former cricketers for changes in the team and even retirement discussions for Kohli and captain Rohit Sharma.

Amid preparations for the upcoming white-ball series against England, Kohli took time to visit Vrindavan with his family. Both Virat and Anushka are known for their devotion to Lord Krishna and have frequently been seen participating in related religious activities. A viral video captured the couple receiving blessings from Maharaj, accompanied by their children, Vamika and Akaay. During the interaction, Anushka expressed her spiritual connection, stating how her unasked questions seemed to be answered through divine interventions, and sought blessings for devotion.

Premanand Maharaj praised the couple for maintaining their faith despite their global fame. He highlighted Kohli’s impact on the nation, saying, “Virat Kohli gives happiness to the entire country. If he wins, the whole of India celebrates with him.”

Kohli is set to return to action in the series against England, starting January 22 in Kolkata, followed by the Champions Trophy 2025. This marks a new phase in his career after retiring from T20Is following India’s World Cup 2024 victory. Fans eagerly await his resurgence as India takes on Bangladesh in their Champions Trophy opener on February 20 in Dubai.