The Mukhyamantri Majhi Ladki Bahin Yojana was started on June 28, 2014, by the Mahayuti government. Its goal is to improve the economic situation of women in Maharashtra.

Women between the ages of 21 and 65 are eligible to a monthly stipend of Rs 1,500. This helps them become financially independent.

Even though the plan has been widely praised—2.5 crore women have applied—there is some disagreement about how long it will last. Some people are worried about how to pay for it, but the government has responded by including Rs. 46,000 crore in the state budget, showing that they are committed to the plan.

Getting women to be financially independent
For many women, the plan has made a real difference in their lives. A lot of people have put their money into schooling or business. For example, a woman started a clothes business with Rs 7,500 and quickly doubled her money, making it worth Rs 15,000. With the scheme’s financial help, another recipient started a sewing business, showing how the help actually worked.

Stories of freedom and business success
People who have benefited from the plan, like a local woman who sells clothes, have openly praised it, saying that it helped her start her own retail business. “I am truly thankful to the Mahayuti government for this opportunity,” she said, pointing out how important the plan was to her becoming independent. The money was used by another woman to grow her business, giving her a lot more money than she had before. Her store was called Aditya Cloth Center.

These stories show that the plan not only helped individual women but also encouraged them to start their own businesses.

The Mukhyamantri Majhi Ladki Bahin Yojana pushes women to start their own businesses by giving them money. This makes them less reliant on other people.

This project not only gives women more power, but it also makes them more useful to society by encouraging them to be self-reliant and take part in the economy across Maharashtra.