Haindava Title Video: Tollywood’s young hero Bellamkonda Sai Srinivas is gearing up to entertain the audience with his 12th film. The shooting of this film, which has already been completed, is being made as a mystical thriller with a full-scale adventure story. The posters and glimpses of this movie directed by Sudheer Byreddy have aroused good interest among the audience. The recently released look of Bellamkonda riding between the winds and fire is going viral on social media and has created huge expectations for the film.
Bellamkonda Sai Sreenivas Haindava Title Video
The makers have finalized the title of this film as ‘Haindava’. The director cleared the main concept of the film through the title announcement video. The story of this movie revolves around the secrets of Hindu temples and their preservation. The roaring lion in the trailer and the scenes of pouring fuel on the temple double the mystery and thrill factor of the story.
Showing the action sequences of Bellamkonda stopping them on a bike has increased the curiosity of the film. In this film, Andala Bhama Samyukta Menon will be seen in the lead role, and she will be seen in the role of ‘Sameera’. The romantic chemistry with Bellamkonda will be the special attraction of this film. Leon James’s music and Dasharathi Shivendra’s cinematography are the main strengths of the film. The director is going to give a new experience to the audience by using the visuals of the forest areas and the temple backdrop collectively.
Produced by Mahesh Chandu under Moonshine Pictures banner, the film is gearing up for release in all major languages. This movie is likely to be the most important film in Bellamkonda’s career. There is talk that this film, which is being made on a pan-India level, may be released around Sankranti. It is an attempt to bring something new to the new generation by reminding the audience of the mythology of yesteryears. Film analysts are of the opinion that ‘Haindava’ has a chance of getting huge success with its story, presentation and technical quality.