Game Changer: Talking about global star Ram Charan in Tollywood, he is one of the highest paid actors. Usually they take Rs.90 crore to Rs.100 crore for each film. However, it is reported that he has reduced his remuneration for the movie ‘Game Changer’ which is currently being made under Shankar’s direction. There are reports that Ram Charan took only Rs.65 crores for this film. It has become a hot topic in Tollywood.

Ram Charan Reduces Remuneration for Game Changer

‘Game Changer’ is a pan India project under the direction of sensational director Shankar. It is reported that Shankar has taken a remuneration of Rs.35 crores for this film. Filming of this movie has been going on for almost three years. This big budget movie is going to hit the audiences on January 10 during Sankranti festival. While the recently released trailer raised huge expectations for the movie, the songs and posters also impressed the fans.

As the release time of the film is approaching, the discussions about the ‘game changer’ are going faster on social media. There are various opinions on the reasons behind Ram Charan’s reduction in remuneration in particular. Some say that this decision was taken to keep the budget of the film under control, while others say that he did this with the intention of cooperating with producer Dil Raju.

This prestigious film is produced by famous producer Dil Raju. People are eagerly waiting to see what level of success this movie will get at the box office, made with a huge budget. Expectations for this film coming in Ram Charan and Shankar combination have reached a peak. Fans are hoping that this movie, which is being released in honor of Sankranti festival, will give a better experience to the audience and become a Blockbuster Hit.