Tamil star Ajith Kumar was involved in a car accident while practicing on the racing track in Dubai. The incident occurred when his car, traveling at a speed of 180 km/h, went out of control and crashed into the side wall. The force of the impact destroyed the front of the car, but remarkably, Ajith emerged with only minor injuries.
The news of the accident quickly spread, causing immense concern among his fans. Fortunately, Ajith was not seriously harmed, and his family members and fans breathed a sigh of relief. The accident happened during practice for an upcoming racing championship, though full details of the incident are yet to be officially disclosed by Ajith or his team.
Ajith, known for his passion for racing, often performs his own stunts in films, including high-speed bike and car racing scenes. Racing is a major hobby for him, and even when not filming, he participates in international racing competitions. Fans were relieved to hear that their favorite actor escaped unscathed, expressing their joy and appreciation for his safety. Videos of the accident have since gone viral on social media.