Superstar Rajinikanth, during a recent interaction with the media at Chennai Airport, expressed his frustration when a reporter asked about political matters. The incident occurred on January 7, 2025, when Rajinikanth was preparing for his next shooting schedule of the movie Coolie, directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj. The question in question was about the safety of women in light of a recent incident at Anna University in Chennai, which seemed to trigger Rajinikanth’s irritation.
Rajinikanth, known for his composed demeanor, firmly instructed the reporters not to ask him political questions. His response went viral on social media as fans and media outlets shared the footage. The actor made it clear that he did not wish to discuss political topics, emphasizing his focus on his film projects instead.
In terms of updates on his movie Coolie, Rajinikanth revealed that 70% of the shoot has already been completed, and the next shooting schedule will take place in Thailand from January 13 to January 28. He plays the role of ‘Deva’ in the film, which also stars Nagarjuna, Upendra, Shruti Haasan, and Sathyaraj. The film is being produced by Sun Pictures, and Rajinikanth assured fans that more updates about the movie would be released soon.