NTR Movie Title: Junior NTR, who has made his mark in the Telugu film industry, is currently busy with a series of projects. He got a huge hit with the recently released movie Devara and now he is working with Bollywood star Hrithik Roshan War 2Acting in It is already expected that this film will receive the biggest collections in the history of Indian cinema. Fans hope that Junior NTR will bring more recognition to Bollywood with his acting.
Prashanth Neel And Jr NTR Film Title
After War 2, NTR is going to do another blockbuster with renowned director Prashant Neel. It is reported that Prashant Neel has specially prepared a powerful script for this project. It is said that the story and background of this film will break new ground for NTR’s acting. Movie sources reveal that NTR is going to present his audience with another powerful character.
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The pre-production works of this project are already going on fast. The official announcement of this film will be released soon. It is reported that the film team is thinking of revealing the title of the film on the occasion of Sankranti festival. According to reliable sources, the title Dragon has been finalized for the film. With the announcement of the title, the expectations on the film will increase.
The shooting of Dragon movie is likely to start in the month of February or March. Junior NTR and Prashant Neel’s combination of this film is eagerly awaited by the fans. Analysts believe that this big budget film will take Telugu cinema to another level. The expectations of NTR fans and moviegoers on this movie are going to create records at the time of the movie’s release.