Game Changer, a big-budget movie directed by Shankar, is set to release this Sankranti with Ram Charan in the lead role, alongside Kiara Advani as the heroine. The movie has been generating immense excitement due to its grand scale, Shankar’s direction, and its promising story. However, there is a surprising twist surrounding the casting of the film. Initially, Shankar had approached Tamil star Vijay Thalapathy to play the lead role, but the actor rejected the offer for an interesting reason.
According to reports, Vijay Thalapathy turned down the movie despite its compelling story. His decision was influenced by his recent experience working on The Goat (released in 2024), where he played a dual role. Vijay believed that doing another dual role so soon after The Goat might lead to audience fatigue, potentially affecting the film’s reception. He feared that the story, despite its potential, would not work well with him in the role and could flop because of the repetition of a similar character arc.
As a result, the project was passed on to Ram Charan, who is now starring in Game Changer and has already won fans’ hearts with the trailer, teaser, and songs. The movie is expected to be a major contender in the Sankranti box-office race and is being hailed by many as a potential blockbuster hit.