Allu Arjun was recently involved in an incident related to the tragic stampede that occurred near Sandhya Theater in Hyderabad during the benefit show of Pushpa 2. A woman named Revathi lost her life in the chaos, and her son is still receiving treatment in the hospital. Following the incident, the Chikkadapally police arrested Allu Arjun on the 13th of this month. He was questioned at the police station, underwent medical tests at Gandhi Hospital, and was later produced in the Nampally court, where the judge remanded him for 14 days. Subsequently, Allu Arjun was transferred to Chanchalguda Jail.

However, Allu Arjun filed a quash petition in the High Court to dismiss the case filed against him. The High Court heard his petition and granted interim bail until the 30th of this month. The hearing for the Sandhya Theater incident is scheduled for today. As the 14-day judicial remand concludes, the police are expected to file a counter on the bail petition. In the last investigation, the police requested additional time for the counter. After receiving interim bail, Allu Arjun appeared virtually for the hearing, and the inquiry into the stampede incident at Sandhya Theater has been postponed to January 10.

In related news, KTR’s tweet regarding the incident has gone viral, sparking widespread discussions on social media. Additionally, the investigation into the tragic event continues as authorities gather more details.