Sandeep Reddy who planned a duel role?

Prabhas is going to make a movie called ‘Spirit’ under the direction of director Sandeep Reddy Vanga. Sandeep Reddy is currently busy with the script work of this movie. On the other hand, Prabhas fans are eagerly waiting for this movie. But, now another crazy gossip is heard about this movie. There are rumors that Prabhas is going to appear in a dual role in this movie.. One of Prabhas’ roles is negative and the other is positive.

There are reports that the second role of Prabhas will be revealed in the interval of this film.. This sequence will be the main highlight of the entire film. However, there is no official announcement regarding this news. That said, whatever the audience strongly wants from Prabhas, it will be in this movie. Already, 80 percent of the script work has been completed. The film will be released with a budget of more than Rs.300 crores.

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