Aditi Shankar, the daughter of renowned Kollywood director Shankar, recently opened up about the condition her father imposed before giving her permission to pursue acting. Aditi, who is also a trained medico, spoke during the promotions of her Tamil film Nesippaya (dubbed as Premistava in Telugu), which was released in theaters across Telugu states.
She revealed that while she was keen on acting, her father insisted that she complete her medical studies first. “I told my father I would try acting after completing my studies. He thought about it for a long time and finally gave his permission, but with a condition. He told me that if I didn’t succeed in movies, I would have to return to medicine,” said Aditi, who is 27 years old.
Premistava is directed by Vishnu Vardhan (known for Panjaa), and it features Akash Murali in the lead role. The music for the film is composed by Yuvan Shankar Raja, and the movie is being distributed by Mythri Movie Makers.