In a beautiful moment captured recently, Mamitha Baiju and Akhila Bhargavan, the talented stars of the blockbuster Malayalam romantic drama Premalu, reunited after a long time. The two actresses, who stole the hearts of South Indian movie lovers with their outstanding performances in Premalu, looked effortlessly radiant as they shared this heartwarming moment.
Their chemistry and performances in Premalu garnered widespread praise, making it one of the most memorable films of the year. Following the film’s historic success, both Mamitha and Akhila have since been making waves in the industry.
Meanwhile, Kollywood star ‘Thalapathy’ Vijay continues to capture audiences with his performances, including his recent role in Jana Nayagan, while Nazriya Nazim also continues to impress in her upcoming film Sookshmadarshini.
As the industry celebrates their accomplishments, fans are excited to see what’s next for Mamitha and Akhila, who have clearly proven their incredible talent and on-screen charm.