Sky Force has given Akshay Kumar much-needed respite at the box office after a series of back-to-back flops in recent years. The film has opened to decent reviews and has already shown promising numbers at the box office. In its opening weekend, Sky Force earned an impressive Rs. 28 crore net in India, taking its total collections to over Rs. 60 crores. This is a solid performance, especially considering the tough competition Akshay Kumar faced with previous projects.
The film, which also features Veer Pahariya in a key role, is performing well despite the lack of big releases in the market. With the ongoing positive response, Sky Force is steadily heading towards a safe zone at the box office. Industry experts suggest that the film may need to cross the Rs. 160 crore mark to ensure a strong hold and secure its place in the hit category.
As there are no major upcoming releases in the immediate future, it will be interesting to see how Sky Force performs in the days ahead. With the current momentum and positive audience reception, the film could continue to make waves at the box office and contribute significantly to Akshay Kumar’s career revival.
This success not only boosts Akshay Kumar’s confidence but also proves that his films can still draw audiences when paired with the right content. Keep an eye on Sky Force as it aims to become a major box office contender in the coming weeks.