After the massive success of Gadar 2, actor Sunny Deol is set to captivate audiences once again with his upcoming pan-India film, Jaat. The highly anticipated movie has locked its release date for April 10, 2025. Directed by Gopichand Malineni and produced by Mythri Movie Makers, Jaat will be released in Hindi, Telugu, and Tamil. The announcement was shared by Sunny Deol and Gopichand Malineni on social media, with Deol excitedly promoting the film as a “mass feast” for audiences.

The teaser, which debuted in December 2024, promises thrilling action sequences with Deol at the center, wielding a bazooka in intense moments. Jaat is expected to feature jaw-dropping stunts, creating a visual spectacle for action film lovers. Deol’s character is introduced as a fierce figure, initially chained up before breaking free and unleashing havoc on his enemies.

The film also boasts an impressive ensemble cast, including Randeep Hooda, who plays the antagonist, Vineet Kumar Singh, and Regina Cassandra in pivotal roles. The gripping narrative is complemented by stunning visuals from cinematographer Rishi Punjabi, while the energetic music score by Thaman S adds to the movie’s intense atmosphere.

With action, drama, and a star-studded cast, Jaat is set to keep audiences on the edge of their seats when it hits theaters in April 2025.