Karimnagar Mayor Sunil Rao has officially joined the BJP in the presence of Union Minister Bandi Sanjay. During the event, Sunil Rao was invited to the party and honored with a saffron scarf. Several key leaders participated in the ceremony, marking a significant shift in Karimnagar’s political landscape.
After joining the BJP, Sunil Rao made sharp allegations against BRS MLA Gangula Kamalakar. Rao questioned Kamalakar’s financial growth since his days in the TDP, accusing him of corruption in tender processes and involvement in various scandals in Karimnagar. Rao criticized Kamalakar for neglecting the city’s development and claimed that Karimnagar’s progress was solely due to Bandi Sanjay’s efforts.
One major issue highlighted was the drainage water mismanagement in the name of the Maneru River Front project. Rao alleged that Kamalakar deliberately stalled urban development, with no action taken to resolve the drainage issues. He also accused Kamalakar of using benami contractors for check dams and road projects, resulting in poor-quality infrastructure that failed prematurely.
Sunil Rao emphasized that Karimnagar’s development has been driven by central funds, not state initiatives. He predicted more corporators would soon join the BJP, strengthening the party’s position. He concluded by stating that the BJP will raise its saffron flag over Karimnagar Municipal Corporation in the near future.
This political shift has added momentum to the BJP in Karimnagar, highlighting the city’s ongoing battle for development and accountability.