In Tamil Nadu, the lines between cinema and politics have always been blurred. Some of the most beloved Tamil stars, like M.G. Ramachandran (MGR) and Jayalalithaa, have successfully transitioned from the silver screen to the Chief Minister’s chair. Kamal Haasan also tried his hand at politics, though with little success, and Rajinikanth has long been rumored to be considering a political career.
Now, Thalapathy Vijay, the reigning superstar, has officially entered the political arena with the formation of his own political party. His efforts to bring change and seize power are closely watched by his fans. However, alongside reports of Vijay’s political venture, there have been speculations about actress Trisha Krishnan potentially following in his footsteps.
In response to these rumors, Trisha’s mother, Uma Krishnan, cleared the air during an interview with Manorama News, stating that Trisha will not be venturing into politics. She assured fans that Trisha’s focus remains on her acting career, which has spanned nearly two decades. Trisha, who has maintained a successful and beloved film career, continues to enjoy immense popularity at 41. Despite the political speculations, it seems Trisha has decided to avoid politics and continue shining on screen, much like her peer Rajinikanth, who also stayed away from politics.
This clarification puts an end to any doubts about Trisha’s political future, confirming that her fans can expect more memorable performances from the actress.