Suspense horror thriller movie “Zinn” starring Amit Rao has started. The film is being produced by Nikhil M Gowda under the banners of Sadalamma Film Productions and Bilva Studios. Varadaraj Chikkaballapura is providing the dialogues and directing as co-producer Chinmayi Ram. The film also stars Parveez Simba, Prakash Thumbi Nadu, Ravi Bhatt, Sangeeta, Balaraju Wadi in pivotal roles. Jinn movie officially started today with pooja programs at Hyderabad Prasad Labs.
Allu Arjun: Thank you Kalyan Baba.. Allu Arjun interesting comments
Renowned producer Raj Kandukuri clapped for the momentous scene…renowned lyricist Ramajogaiah Shastri switched the camera. Raj Kandukuri and Ramajogaiah Shastri provided the script. On this occasion, hero Amit Rao said – Thanks to Ramajogaiah and Raj Kandukuri who came as guests to our Jinn movie launch today. Jin’s movie screenplay is complicated. We are going to make a film with good visuals. We have great faith in director Chinmay Ram. He said that he is happy to come forward as a hero with such a good script.