Amid ongoing income tax raids on major production houses, including Mythri Movie Makers and Sri Venkateswara Creations, actor Venkatesh has remained unfazed. The raids, which have been continuing for the past three days, have seen Income Tax officers also search Dil Raju’s office. However, Venkatesh, who stars in the upcoming film Sankranthiki Vasthunam, is cheerfully promoting the movie, showing no signs of worry regarding the tax investigations.

In a lighthearted remark, Venkatesh jokingly addressed the raids, stating, “I take everything in white,” implying that all his earnings are accounted for and traceable through legal channels, from bank account to bank account. His statement emphasizes his commitment to maintaining transparent financial dealings. The actor clarified further, stating, “Nenu teeusukunede kontha. Adi Kooda White. White lo white,” meaning he charges a reasonable remuneration, and his financial operations are clean, with no involvement in black money.

It is well known that Venkatesh’s brother and producer, D. Suresh Babu, manages all of his financial operations, ensuring everything is above board. This strong foundation in transparency has allowed Venkatesh to remain unaffected by the recent tax raids and continue promoting his film with confidence.