Nandamuri Balakrishna has recreateing his remuneration follow the release of the release of the film, asking an additional 40% of the amounted for the previous film. He started this strategy with “akhanda”. He received Rs.
Since “Akhanda,” his films have been performed well, with the magicing hits or average grossers. There were no flops. But there is a big buzz about his next picture, “Akhanda 2.” And Producers Will Finalize Big Deals, Both Theatrical and Non-Theatrical. Thus, Balakrishna Demanded a Huge Salary.
YES, he will receive Rs 40 to 45 Croore for this film. This is a significant boost in his earnings. Five years ago, he was paid Rs. Today, he earns more than 40 cr.
The interesting fact is that filmmaker Boyapati Srinu According To Our Sources, He Will Receive
“Akhanda 2” is a spectacular scale. The film’s budget would be in the range of Rs 175 crore.