After the woman died in the stampede, the police registered a case against Sandhya Theatre, along with the management, Allu Arjun and his team were also registered. It is said that a case has been registered for bringing Allu Arjun without taking prior permission. After Allu Arjun’s arrival, the police concluded that the stampede happened due to the ruckus made by the security personnel. Allu Arjun’s security personnel say that the accident happened when there was a scuffle. Madhya Mandal DCP Akshansh Yadav said that Pushpa 2 premiere show was organized at Sandhya Theater yesterday at 9.40 pm. He said that it was attended by a large number of audience and we do not have any information that the key actors who acted in the film will be present along with the audience. At least the theater management didn’t tell us that information, the theater management also said they didn’t take any preemptive action. He said that no private security has been arranged to control the public and no special arrangements have been made for entry and exit.
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He said that no special route was arranged for the actors as well and Allu Arjun reached the Sandhya theater with his personal security personnel at 9.30. He said that when Allu Arjun entered the theatre, the security personnel started pushing the audience and the theater was already crowded with the audience inside and outside. At the same time, when Allu Arjun entered, there was a scuffle among the audience. At the same time, Revathi from Dilsukhnagar was in the area with his son, who could not breathe due to the large number of spectators. Police personnel on duty pulled them out. CPR was performed on 13-year-old Sritej and he was shifted to Durgabai Deshmukh Hospital. The doctors of the hospital said that Revathi had already died. The doctors suggested that Mr. Teja was shifted to another hospital. According to the complaint of the victim’s family members, we have registered a case and are investigating the incident, he said. Chikkadapally police have registered a case under sections 105 118(1) and 3(5) of BNS Active. He said that strict action will be taken against those responsible for this incident.