Everyone knows about Harihara Veeramallu, a huge Pan India film directed by Jyoti Krishna, with Power Star Pawan Kalyan as the hero and Nidhi Agarwal as the heroine. The film is currently in its final stages. Recently the song “Mata Vinaali” from the movie was released and it got huge response from the fans.
Released on February 17, the Telugu version of the song is trending on YouTube. It continued trending for over 130 hours and won the hearts of the audience. Composed by Keeravani in the voice of Pawan Kalyan, this song has left fans in awe. The song received great appreciation from music lovers and raised the expectations of the film.
Moreover, Harihara Veeramallu’s film is being released on a pan-India level, the huge production values and the powerful role of Pawan Kalyan have become the subject of discussion. Popular producer AM Ratnam is producing the film and the grand release is planned on March 28 this year. It can be said that the hype of the movie has increased with this song which came before the release of the movie.