Sensational director Ram Gopal Varma has recently announced that he wants to start his life on a new path, but some of his past mistakes are now affecting him badly. In 2018, a person named Mahesh Chandra Mishra filed a case against Verma’s company. As the check given by Verma bounced due to problems in financial transactions, Mishra approached the court.
Although Verma got interim bail in the case in 2022, he has been frequently absent from the hearings. As a result, Verma was sentenced to three months in jail in the latest judgment of the Andheri court in Mumbai. As per section 138, apart from imprisonment Rs. 3.72 lakh fine was also imposed.
If he does not comply with the court’s order and pay the fine, he will be sentenced to another three months in jail. It seems that Verma will face new problems with this verdict.