“Daku Maharaj” is one of the Tollywood films released as a Sankranthi gift. This movie which came in the combination of director Kolli Bobby and Natasimham Balakrishna became a huge hit. On the occasion of this success, the film crew held a grand success meet in Anantapur and director Bobby’s comments became a topic of discussion.
Bobby said that when he first met Balakrishna, he told about himself that he was a fan of Chiranjeevi and it was because of him that he entered the industry. However, despite saying these words, Balayya did not have any negative reaction and encouraged him very warmly, said Bobby. He said that he did not know if anyone else had a personality like Balayya, but his great mind surprised him.
These comments made by Bobby became viral among mega fans and Nandamuri fans. Once again, these comments made it clear how Balayya treats everyone with his friendliness.
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