Sensational news about Allu Arjun starrer ‘Pushpa 2’ box office collection is going viral on social media. There are allegations that the makers of the film understated the actual collection and tried to evade income tax by around ₹550 crore. Some reports say that the IT department has identified actual receipts during its audits and financial discrepancies have come to light.
Estimates say that ‘Pushpa 2’ has already collected around ₹1850 crores. However, as per the allegations, the actual amount is estimated to be as high as ₹2400 crore. If this is true, it will be the biggest box office record in the history of Indian movies. So far ‘Dangal’ has collected Rs.2000 crores (with the help of China market) and ‘Baahubali 2’ has collected Rs.1900 crores. In this context, if the collection of ‘Pushpa 2’ really crosses ₹2400 crore, it will stand as a film that has raised the level of Indian cinema again.
As per the reports of ticketing portal ‘Book My Show’, ‘Pushpa 2’ has sold 15 million tickets so far. The film is estimated to have collected ₹450 crore through online ticket sales alone. Moreover, the film collected ₹275 crore in the overseas market, setting new records in countries like New Zealand and Australia.
While fans have justified the ‘Pushpa 2’ collections with figures, some netizens have raised doubts over the under-reported collections. Did the producers deliberately hide the actual figures? The controversy over box office transparency has been debated. However, the film team has not yet clarified the allegations, so the truth remains to be known.