In a shocking incident, Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was attacked with a 2.5-inch-long knife, with one piece of the weapon remaining inside his body after the assault. Doctors performed emergency surgery to remove the embedded fragment, while authorities launched an investigation to recover the remaining pieces.
The Mumbai police have now recovered the third piece of the knife from Bandra Lake, which was thrown there by the accused, Mohammed Shariful Islam Shehzad. The first fragment was extracted from Saif’s body during surgery, while the second part was secured shortly afterward. Acting on intelligence and interrogations, the police escorted the accused to Bandra Lake, where the final missing part of the weapon was discovered.
The investigation also revealed that seven hours after the attack, the accused visited a hair salon in Worli Koliwada for a haircut, as captured in CCTV footage. Shehzad, who was arrested on January 16, is currently in police custody, facing multiple charges related to the attack on the actor.
Authorities are now piecing together the motive and circumstances surrounding the assault, while security around the Bollywood star has been tightened. Further details are expected as the investigation progresses.