Nandamuri Balakrishna, the God of Masses, celebrated his latest success with the film Daku Maharaj during a victory ceremony held in Anantapur. Directed by Bobby Kolli, the movie, produced by Suryadevara Nagavanshi and Sai Saujanya under Sitara Entertainments and Fortune Four Cinemas, was released with a significant budget. The film’s music was composed by Taman, and it features a star-studded cast including Bobby Deol, Pragya Jaiswal, Shraddha Srinath, and Urvashi Rautela.
At the success meet, Balakrishna expressed his gratitude to the people of Rayalaseema, praising the region for its historical significance in Andhra Pradesh’s politics. He highlighted that the region had given the country a president and six chief ministers. He further remarked, “Rayalaseema is not just a place; it’s Royal Seema, home to NTR, a leader who fought for the Telugu nation.” Balakrishna thanked his fans and the audience for the overwhelming support that led to the film’s success.
Balakrishna also shared his experience working on Daku Maharaj, emphasizing the research and effort that went into the film. He reminisced about his role as Krishna Devaraya in Aditya 369, a character that continues to be etched in the hearts of the audience. He mentioned that the character of Daku Maharaj was conceived with the same intent—to create a memorable and impactful role. Reflecting on his career, he acknowledged the success of his recent films like Akhanda and Veerasimha Reddy, which were well-received by fans and distributors alike.
Finally, Balakrishna expressed his deep gratitude to his fans, calling them his “promoters” and “family.” He highlighted that the success of his films, including the collections and records, were all genuine and original. He praised director Bobby for his talent and the excellent work by the crew, including the music by Thaman and the visuals by cameraman Vijay Karthik, which he described as “Hollywood-level.” Balakrishna concluded by thanking everyone who supported Daku Maharaj, making it a memorable success.