The trailer for the much-anticipated historical drama Chava, starring Vicky Kaushal and Rashmika Mandanna, has been released recently. Directed by Laxman Utekar, the film is based on the biography of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj’s son, Shambhaji Maharaj. Vicky Kaushal plays the lead role of Shambhaji, while Rashmika Mandanna portrays his wife, Esubai.

The film is set to release on February 14, 2025, and is expected to showcase the valor and struggles of Shambhaji Maharaj during his reign. The trailer, which has already garnered attention, promises an epic historical narrative that brings to life the legacy of the Maratha empire.

The movie has generated a lot of buzz, and fans are excited to witness the on-screen chemistry between Vicky and Rashmika. With Chava, Utekar is set to take audiences on a journey back to the golden era of the Maratha dynasty, exploring its history, sacrifices, and heroism.

For fans of historical dramas, Chava looks like a film to watch out for this Valentine’s Day.